Executive Management Team

Sassan Teymouri

CEO, Founder

Yutao Qin

Chief Sensor Architect, Founder

Ahmad Ghaemmaghami

VP of Operations

Board of Advisors



The Research Lab

Omniscent technology  builds upon 17+ years of research that was conducted at the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing and Systems (WIMS2), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The WIMS2 Center was established with a major investment from the National Science Foundation to pursue multi-disciplinary research in engineered microsystems. The Center brings together about 40 faculty and 120 researchers in activities that have produced about 2000 publications, 100 patents, and 15 start-up companies. Micro-gas chromatography has been one of the main research thrusts of the Center since its foundation, with activities directed at a variety of component-level and system-level goals. The Center is pursuing research in microfabricated (MEMS) elements such as pre-concentrators, separation columns, detectors, valves, and pumps; and revolutionary architectures that provide massive energy savings while accommodating a wide range of analytes. Omniscent systems build upon WIMS2 technology that was originally developed by two of the co-founders, and Omniscent continues to sponsor research at WIMS2.